What we do

We help Children be Children... and we teach them how to crystallize their dreams!

Thanks to the unconditional support, our Foundation has completed three decades of helping transform the lives of hundreds of boys and girls who have been forced to live in the streets and find their way in these conditions. Our work covers the complete cycle that starts with psychosocial interventions with the children and adolescents in situations of abandonment or non-observance by the family and state, to their true social reintegration and follow up, all contributing to the requirements of the SDG’s in the context of fighting poverty and the reduction of inequalities.

Our purpose as an organization is to form happy children and adolescents, advocate for the compliance and guarantee of their rights and facilitate their transformation supporting the development of their skills that agency their future, all based on the identification of their dreams. Interdisciplinary care is offered from the areas of health, nutrition, psychology, social work and pedagogy, in order to intervene their situation in a personalized way and prepare them for their return into society.

For those who have completed and thus left our program, each have numerous meanings. Their testimonies confirm the impact that our formation and providing a home for them have left in their lives:

  • Escaped the claws of violence, theft, prostitution and drug-addiction.
  • Changed the size of their clothes, weight in comparison to other children, overcoming the effects of malnutrition.
  • Attended school and trained in various areas and skills allowing them to properly fend for themselves in life.
  • Enjoyed health recreation, going on trips and having a happy Christmas full of presents and love.
  • Consolidated their faith in God and received the sacraments of Baptism and First Communion.
  • With lots of live, they cured their deep wounds on their bodies and souls.
  • Got to live a normal childhood, away from child labor and beggary.
  • Shared like a family with their friends at the Foundation, thereby creating a long-lasting brotherhood and sisterhood.
  • Learned about new opportunities to relate and thus develop permanent contact with the volunteers and important donors.
  • Some of them attended cultural exchanges programs and built strong ties with their hosts families in France, Canada and United States/
  • Through Papa Jaime, they learned to forgive an indolent society and their parents who many times neglected or mistreated them.
  • And more importantly, at his side they learnt to dream and fight to make them come true.
  • Today, seeing them with their own families, we have been able to prove that at the end of their process, they are able to break the abusive pattern and worry for their own children.