Mission, Vision, and Philosophy


To contribute to the restoration and defense of the fundamental rights of street children and young adolescents with their rights violated, to facilitate through love their challenge to transform themselves by helping them develop skills that will allow them to agency their future, work through the strengthening of their family group and inspire the compromise and citizen engagement and participation in the solution of this social problem.


The transformation of the human being through love is possible, measurable and effective. We propose that every child or adolescent at risk or with their rights violated who passes through our Foundation, finds or discovers the inner peace within their heart and can carry with it the capacity to forgive and be happy.


We believe in the transformation of the human being through love. The following ethical concepts are recognized as our values, underpin our corporate culture and are the basis of the training we instill in our children. 

  • The Power of the Word “Loving”

    We believe in the transformation of human being through LOVE

  • The Potential of Human Beings

    We recognize the potential of each being to develop talents, skills and competencies. We strive to encourage knowledge and create spaces for vocational development, so that children can find their foundation to build their life projects.

  • “Out-of-the-Box” thinking

    We understand positive and present conscious thinking as the master key to open the mind, self-observe, unlearn and relearn. Always think positively, choose what you want, act, turn problems into opportunities and leave behind limiting beliefs that prevent you from being happy and enjoying life to the fullest. 

  • Forgiveness

    We work on building a peaceful coexistence from forgiveness and reconciliation from the premise that if we do not learn to forgive others and ourselves, we can never be happy. We prioritize the development of a child’s resilience, the only possible way of healing their wounded souls, repair their damage, and as a result be able to create friendly environments within their families and communities.

  • The Service

    We inspire other to build collaborative spaces that contribute to the solution of the problems of vulnerable groups in our environments. As a result, we open spaces for personal and corporate volunteering experiences in our missionary activities and invite you to experience the pleasure of giving without waiting to receive and the happiness of service as a way to transcend and grow as an individual.
